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Как все на самом деле

2019 год, 4 Августа, 11:17


I understand who you are. Please don't call me anymore and don't lie that you German Andreas and you are going to pay 500-1000-2000$ dollars for a special group sex.

2019 год, 4 Августа, 11:21


I am well educated and I understand that everybody has special mentality, I don't condemn anybody. Also I am not going to tell everybody about my discovery who you are. I understood. You are Andreas. And you understood me. Just please call other girls, not me.

2019 год, 4 Августа, 11:27


During my work in this special field I have met lots of strange individuals, believe me. So Andreas is not the strangest customer in my life just believe me. So i will say again, i am not going to tell everybody who you are and what you do after 3:00 in atyrau.

I am smart enough to understand that in my work i must be ready to face multiple strange person's with animals in their head. So I am not surprised about your special mentality. I am ok. It was your mistake to call me yesterday because I understood.

So forget.

2019 год, 4 Августа, 11:32


Relax, nothing has changed.

You can act the same like before. I am actually a very private person. Neutral. Absolutely. Lifegoy and other girls from site won't know the truth from me.

My proposal is still valid. You can come and join me and my friend and we will laugh together. Relax. Everything is stable like before. Your incognito is still incognito.

2019 год, 4 Августа, 11:41


I understand that you are shocked. ..but it's a life... Never be sure that all prostitutes are stupid, uneducated and мамбетки. Now you know that some of them are not chickens and can analyse, can build logical chains.

But I will repeat. Nothing has changed. You are still incognito. Only I know who you are. Girls from Kizdar will never know the truth even if they ask me.

I am a very private person.

2019 год, 4 Августа, 15:41

Gap... Фильмы чудесные... Спасибо..)побольше хороших Фильмов)

2019 год, 4 Августа, 16:00

Сладкая Госпожа...

Ты все смотрела что ли??? ���

2019 год, 4 Августа, 16:53

Gep... Да)))

2019 год, 4 Августа, 17:39

Девочки есть работа у кого нибудь?

2019 год, 4 Августа, 17:49

Пополни, не пополни звонков с сайта нет)

2019 год, 4 Августа, 18:44

Блин капец все так говарят (((

2019 год, 4 Августа, 19:19

А у меня с сайта тишина, хорошо хоть есть пос клиенты, а то не знаю что бы делала, благодарю❤❤

2019 год, 4 Августа, 19:23

Мясо подорожало, рис подорожал, з/п такие же, пенсии не повысили...

2019 год, 4 Августа, 19:24

Экономить на фейках в первую очередь...

2019 год, 4 Августа, 19:34

А пенсии то к чему?

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